18 Spirituals - zum Mitsingen
-) Liedertexte mit Akkordangaben und
-) mp3 (von Roger McGuinn)
-) Liste: This little light of mine; Joy to the world; Children go where I send thee; Oh Mary don't you weep; Down by the riverside; Ezekiel saw a wheel; He's got the whole world in his hands; 12 gates to the city; When the saint ...
-) Liedertexte mit Akkordangaben und
-) mp3 (von Roger McGuinn)
-) Liste: This little light of mine; Joy to the world; Children go where I send thee; Oh Mary don't you weep; Down by the riverside; Ezekiel saw a wheel; He's got the whole world in his hands; 12 gates to the city; When the saints go marching in; I am a pilgram; All my trials; Hattle hymn of the republic.